Monday, December 31, 2012

Four stroke i.c engine Images

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four stroke enginefour stroke enginefour stroke enginefour stroke enginefour stroke enginefour stroke engine in workingfour stroke eng...

Four stroke engine Images

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four stroke engine four storke enginefour storke engine with four conditionsfour storke engine with main componentsfour storke enginefour storke engine with in detailfour storke enginefour storke eng...

Four stroke engine

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four stroke i.c enginefour stoke i.c enginefour stoke  enginefour stoke i.c engine with main componentfour stoke i.c engine at different conditi...

Two stroke engine Images

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two stroke enginetwo stroke engine in working modeltwo stroke engine in working cylindertwo stroke engine in working with flowtwo stroke engine two stroke engine in four different conditi...

Two stroke engine

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two stroke i.c enginetwo stroke engine with workingtwo stroke engine with all parts name in engine two stroke engine to labelstwo stroke engine with main parts two stroke engine two stroke engine with all conditionstwo stroke engine...

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ferrari Enzo

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enzo ferrari 2012enzo ferrari Enzo Ferrari is 12 cylinder mid engine car named after company founder's Enzo Ferrari. Enzo ferrari car is built in 2002 using formula one technology, such as carbon fiber body , electro hydraulic shift transmission ,carbon and silicon mix disc brakes.The V12 engine...

Ferrari Fxx Evolution

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ferrari fxx evolution information and imagesferrari fxx evolution front view ferrari fxx evolution is upgrade model of the ferrari enzo. ferrari fxx evoiution is high performance racing car make bye the ferrari italy unit. owner of this car pay $1.8 million to bye it and this car is allowed for...

Ferrari 612 scaglietti

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ferrari 612 scaglietti information and imagesFerrari 612 scaglietti in silver                                                                                ...

//PART 2